Tawny Estrella

Feb 22, 20225 min

2/22 Message

This 2/22/2022 portal marks a massive shift and opportunity within the realms of love, partnership, collaboration, and soul-to-soul connection. It also brings certain themes into focus, including balance, unity, and major choice points/turning points that are coming up for each of us. (If you missed my post about portals yesterday, I highly recommend going back and reading for some more context on what a portal is and what is available to us!)

On this beautiful day, the power of 2 is multiplied by 6, which means we are also being impacted by the numerology of the number 12 (2+2+2+2+0+2+2=12). This portal is a big, big deal.

The number 12 is a highly spiritual number that holds many different meanings. There are 12 zodiac signs, and #12 corresponds with Pisces (whose season we are currently in), the very last sign in the astrology wheel before we start the cycle over again with Aries. 12 represents completion, deep wisdom, spiritual knowledge, closure of longstanding cycles, and higher understanding. It can also be a number of renewal, regeneration, and rebirth — the stage in the death/rebirth cycle when the phoenix rises anew from the ashes it was reduced to for a time.

As a Pisces sun myself (born on the very first day of Pisces season), this process of continual renewal resonates deeply with me. Pisces is the "oldest" sign, and within it holds aspects of every sign that comes before it. This gives Pisces + its corresponding number 12 a deep "full circle" quality that I feel embodied within this portal date.

To me, the number 12 represents wholeness, completion, and a state of true perfection. It is what happens when we move all the way through one cycle and learn all the lessons it holds, and then prepare to move onto the next with everything we've learned in tow.

In addition to the constellations in astrology, we find that the number 12 repeats in many different places. There are 12 months in a year and 12 animals in the Chinese zodiac. The Bible mentions 12 tribes of Israel and Jesus' 12 apostles. In the Book of Revelation, there are 12 gates guarded by 12 angels, and the number 144,000 (12 x 12=144) is mentioned. This is barely scratching the surface. I know I am still leaving out countless examples of the number 12 and its significance in our world.

Regardless of whether you consider yourself a religious or spiritual person, this is incredibly striking. I don't pay attention to these instances for their religious meaning, but rather as points of connection and repetition that indicate something is important and has a deeper meaning than meets the eye.

These cosmic connections are always running throughout our world, and the ability to connect them (even if you don't yet know "what it means") is key to unlocking greater potential and awareness within the physical and spiritual realms.

In addition to offering great illumination and enlightenment through closing these longstanding cycles, this 2/22 portal also has a very emotional, watery quality to it. We are in the midst of Pisces season, and the moon falls in Scorpio right now. Scorpio dives deep, sees things that many do not (even if they don't share or speak it), and is comfortable in the dark, watery depths of emotion.

You may find your emotions coming to the surface much more often or more strongly than you're used to. This is all part of the process. Now is the perfect time to release any resistance you feel and allow yourself to ride the waves as they emerge.

This Scorpio moon makes many aspects to the planets (including an opposition with Uranus, trine with Jupiter, square with Saturn, and sextile with Venus and Mars) that intensify the energy today and give it some particular qualities. Overall, the energy is expansive, open, and supportive of love, deep connection, and romance. It is also supportive of aligned risk-taking, heart-based communication, and bold moves.

With the square to Saturn, you may find yourself feeling increasingly aware of anything that is restrictive, overly structured, or holding yourself back from who you really are/what you truly desire. On top of this, the opposition with Uranus tells us to expect the unexpected. In its shadow, it can provoke us into emotional impulsivity that may not serve us. In its light, it can give us the courage we need to break out of longstanding patterns.

Now is the time to break out of any cages you've kept yourself in, be your authentic self, speak your truth from the heart, and let the chips fall where they may. It's okay to be different and to see things differently than others. Actually, this is a huge strength when we allow ourselves to practice and embody it.

We can no longer fake it. We can no longer pretend or hold our true self in. The truth is on display for all to see. This can seem scary, but it also brings an incredible sense of freedom.

The moon's trine with Jupiter and sextile to Mars & Venus are bringing together many destined connections and opportunities right before our eyes. We are shown that love is meant to be overflowing, abundant, and expansive. There is no lack present except for what has been held in the body in the form of trauma and past experience that in turn can shape our expectations and beliefs (mind space).

Today is a day where we can *feel* the possibility, the potential, and the ease of bringing this into our reality. The most important thing is that we trust our own individual process, follow our intuitive feelings, and feel/acknowledge anything that is coming up for us now.

Yes, your process and outlook is different than anyone else's. Yes, you can trust it.

This is not always how we're used to operating. And it is a beautiful thing. It gets so much easier with practice, as we simply walk forward step by step. The path makes itself clear with time.

There are so many beautiful opportunities available to us today. We don't need to know what they are, when they will happen, or how they will unfold in order to embrace this very moment and KNOW good things are coming, good things are happening, good things are already here for us.

If you feel called to it today, I encourage you to be open to the beautiful, unexpected, and joyous surprises the universe has in store for you. Ask to be surprised and amazed in the most pleasant, wonderful, and unexpected ways in your highest good. Then sit back and watch as your divine, miraculous blessings arrive.

Happy 2/22/2022. This is something we'll only experience once in this lifetime.

Let's be present for every second of it and open to all it provides.

