Tawny Estrella

Dec 1, 20212 min

December Collective Energies

Welcome to the last month of 2021! This wild, transformative year has felt incredibly fast-paced, and December is no exception.

Some themes I’m sensing for the month include:

  • Massive closure of old cycles leading to new beginnings

  • Sudden, unexpected shifts and changes

  • Connecting the dots — gaining deeper understanding of previous epiphanies & revelations

  • Opportunities for true clarity and heart-to-heart connection

  • Starting something brand new; taking leaps into the unknown

  • Massive heart expansions, opening to love, living from the heart

  • Expressing your authentic truth

  • Aligning with soul connections and divine partnerships

  • Seeing people for who they truly are

We kick off the month with a New Moon Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius on December 3/4. This massive burst of solar energy busts the door wide open to our new beginnings.

Eclipses are known to bring unexpected shake-ups that align us more closely with our true path. Sometimes it can feel like the rug has just been pulled from beneath your feet.

If you experience any massive disruptions or uncomfortable shifts this month, remember: this is happening for your good. Eclipses expedite the inevitable. They push us to make the change that truly serves our highest good, even when that change may feel difficult or scary to pursue.

Give yourself time before responding when possible. The shake-ups that occur around this eclipse window will take time to reveal their purpose. Some will gain clarity by the full moon on December 18; others will understand by the next new moon that starts off 2022.

Regardless of your circumstance, pay attention to what’s happening within and around you at this time. The events that unfold and insights you gain are all pointing you toward the path you’re meant to walk in this life.

If something crumbles before your eyes, trust that it is meant to. You will understand why in time. Resisting these destined changes only creates more pain and discomfort, as whatever is happening right now is truly meant to unfold.

It is not always an easy task to stare in the face of the unknown. It requires immense courage, faith, and trust in the greater unfolding.

Deep faith, trust, and courage are always rewarded. Now is the time to act in alignment with who you’ve always wanted to become.

The more you lean into who you truly are, the easier it will be. Now is not the season for doubting yourself or playing small. Now is the time to expand into your true form, speak your truth boldly and authentically, and allow everything to fall into place.

This entire year has been leading you to this moment. What intentions will you set for this New Moon eclipse? What do you want to create?

Conversely, what do you still need to release that’s holding you back to where you’ve been before? If you do not let go voluntarily, the eclipse will likely push you to.

Change goes down smoother when we actively choose it. We experience more ease within our path when we consciously choose to walk it, rather than being pushed to learn these critical lessons that are now coming up.

The choice is up to each and every one of us. One way or another, change is here.

Are you ready for the golden opportunities that are presenting themselves to you?

What will you do with your divine free will?

Sending love to you all.
