Tawny Estrella

Mar 1, 20223 min

Discomfort is a Catalyst for Expansion

Something really really really really really really big is happening. A monumental shift. I feel it so deeply in my body.

Nature has been echoing this message all around me for days now, today even more loudly than before.

When I say things like this, I know how quickly the mind wants to jump in to fill in all the blanks, and how uncomfortable it can feel not to "know" what's coming.

Instead of letting the mind run down a million scary rabbit holes trying to figure out what this means, predicting outcomes or attaching it to current things you see...

How does it feel to quiet the mind and just sit with that statement, letting it rest and take root in your body?

When you do that:

  • How does your body feel?

  • What messages come to you?

  • What emotions come up?

If there is still tension in the body or you feel fear or anxiety… keep going.

There is more beyond here.

This usually becomes the stopping point or the looping point (where you can re-enter a recurring "loop" or cycle that you've already played out before).

When you continue to breathe and relax your body and consciousness, staying present with whatever you’re feeling in the moment and allowing it to slowly dissipate… eventually you break through a wall into a brand new space.

Think of this like you’re pushing through the initial discomfort when you start running, which eventually gives way to a feeling of ease, euphoria, a “runner’s high.” In this state, your body and mind feel fundamentally different than they did before. Nothing actually changed, except for your willingness to face it and move through that difficult feeling.

This mental and energetic state is accessible to us when we stay present and allow ourselves to move through discomfort, fear, etc. until it begins to release and move out of the physical body.

When this moves out of the way, a massive expansion happens instantaneously.

To me it feels like I have so much more “room” or internal space than I did before.

This room can be used to look at things from new perspectives, feel into things, make connections, decide how to respond and where to direct your energy, create new things and new ways of being, and so much more.

Don't get me wrong — I don't like feeling uncomfortable or uncertain more than anyone else does. It's not a fun or easy experience for me. I still fall back into avoidant patterns sometimes.

AND I am a huge fan of using any challenges, fears, or triggers that come up to grow, learn, and expand myself further. So much growth can come from the most uncomfortable of situations that could not occur in any other way.

I credit the hardest, most painful and traumatic experiences in my life as my greatest source of strength, expansion, and learning.

Yes, they hurt immensely. I carried these experiences in unpleasant and harmful ways for a long, long time.

And once I broke through that wall — like moving from discomfort to a runner's high through sheer persistence, drive, and power of will — everything changed.

I started seeing connections and finding deep meaning within the most seemingly unrelated things. I started feeling grateful for the same things that I used to complain about (if you knew me five years ago... that was something I NEVER would have seen coming).

The experiences didn't change. I just saw them differently.

I suddenly had this experience of spaciousness within me.

And since this point, I have known... I am meant to lean into these moments of discomfort instead of running away from them. Even when it's the very last thing I want to do.

So much growth can happen so quickly when we choose to do so.


No matter how you are feeling now

No matter what thoughts run through your mind

What feelings and sensations run through your body

What fears and what-ifs make themselves known...

What if this very experience can be used to push through to the other side of that wall?

What if this is the catalyst that helps you break through to places you've never been before?

What if the very thing you think will break you is the thing that shows you who you really are?

There is so much power in pushing past the initial discomfort to find the space within and behind it.

Every time I have done this, I have found pure gold.

In this uncharted space that we fear to go, the space that our mind wants to fill in with facts and figures and predictions and scenarios and concrete knowledge, we find so much treasure when we choose to quiet the mind's protests and venture into the unknown.

This is where the magick is. This is where it has lived all along.

