Tawny Estrella

Feb 1, 20223 min

February Collective Energies

Welcome to February 2022! Though this is a short month, the energies are action-packed and ready to shake things up as we leap into the great unknown.

With the New Moon in Aquarius kicking off the month (late on January 31 or early on February 1 depending where you are in the world), we begin with a burst of unconventional, creative energy.

Personally, I am a huge fan of Aquarian energy. If you're familiar with these qualities, you may notice them in my writings and the way I communicate (Mercury in Aquarius), as well as my purpose, mission work, and overall drive (North Node in Aquarius).

While Venus recently ended its retrograde on January 29, Mercury goes direct on February 4, allowing us to see, feel, and express ourselves much more clearly throughout the rest of the month.

With all this in mind, now is an excellent time to review and reflect on any lessons or themes that came through during this retrograde season. Remember: when lessons from the past come to revisit us, they are always here to show us something and assist us with moving forward in new ways, as we close old cycles and embrace upcoming opportunities in exactly the right time.

On February 6, Mars squares Chiron (the planetary body known as The Wounded Healer) and highlights any inner wounds that still need our attention and healing at this time. This is relevant for the masculine energy within all of us, and will be felt the strongest by those who are masculine-dominant in their overall energetic signature.

Though it can be tempting to leap straight into action in an attempt to solve issues or avoid uncomfortable feelings, there is no escaping from our triggers at this time.

Though this can sound scary, it is not actually a bad thing. This tension between our active, masculine energy and the deep wounds we have carried since childhood bring into focus what still needs our deep attention and loving care.

(If you'd like to learn more about your Mars and Chiron placements and how you will be personally affected by this transit, take a look at your natal chart online or check out my new Intuitive Astrology offering for further guidance.)

Our style of thinking and communication shifts as Mercury enters Aquarius on February 14 — right in time for Valentine's Day. My natal placement feels right at home when Mercury is in Aquarius, but depending on your personal chart, you may experience this energy differently. Overall, this energy moves us toward being more observant, intellectual, thoughtful in our approach, and broad in our perspective.

On February 16, the Full Moon in Leo brings in a dose of fiery energy that is intensified by the air energy of the season (think about it, what happens when you add air to fire?!). We'll get into this further on the actual full moon, but I will tell you there's an interesting combination of energies to experience with this moon specifically.

Though this full moon brings our masculine and feminine energies into balance and opens us to receiving deeper love, we may also experience some tension between our inner desires and external persona (how we present ourselves to the world).

On February 18 (my birthday!) the sun moves into Pisces, intensifying our intuition, heightening our emotions, and bringing spirituality, empathy, and deep feeling into focus.

Though we will each be experiencing this differently, the last several days of the month will bring opportunities for deeper connection with ourselves and others, expansion of our spiritual gifts and abilities, important insights on previous patterns (especially those related to the victim/savior archetypes), and alignment with open-hearted, soul-connected partnerships.

As a 2 month, February brings love, romance, and heart-based connections into focus both internally and externally. Let go of assumptions, leave old experiences in the past, and expect the unexpected as we move into uncharted territory when it comes to unconditional love.

Sending you all so much love as we move into this beautiful new month.

