Tawny Estrella

Jul 13, 20224 min

Full Moon in Capricorn - July 13, 2022

Today's Full Moon in Capricorn brings old cycles to a close and new beginnings to fruition.

While we've felt things shifting for quite a while in our internal world, and have begun to see (often chaotic) reflections of this on the surface, this supermoon is the solidifying factor in so much that is changing and manifesting on the physical plane.

Capricorn is an Earth sign, and along with this solid, earthy energy so much is being grounded in our present reality.

As it's currently Cancer season (Capricorn's opposite sign), there's a lot of focus being placed on the balance between yin & yang/masculine & feminine energy within us, around us, and in the world at large.

Cancer (ruled by the moon) represents the Divine Mother archetype: nurturing, compassionate, receptive, and soft. Capricorn (ruled by Saturn) represents the Divine Father archetype: structured, protective, grounded, and purpose-driven. When in balance, these archetypes live up to the very highest potential of this energy. When out of balance, they can become unhealthy, chaotic, or incredibly toxic.

For example, distorted masculine (Capricorn) energy can become overbearing, rigid, punitive, tense, unable to connect with emotions, and unwilling to slow down or lighten up (or so pent up it can be difficult to act in the first place). Distorted feminine (Cancer) energy can present as reactive, over-giving, people pleasing, unworthy, lost in one's own stories and emotions, and riddled with self-doubt.

The presence of these archetypes also brings up our own wounds and experiences in regards to masculine and feminine energy. What are we embodying? What are we calling in as a match to us? What have we experienced before?

When we slow down to notice the themes around what's coming up for us, we begin to connect the dots between what's happening around us and what it's stirring up within us.

While old wounds coming up can be incredibly uncomfortable, there is something we're being offered when this happens. There is something being shown to us through these difficult experiences that remind us of something that's come before.

When difficult feelings come up, ask yourself: What does this remind me of? How is this familiar?

With Mercury squaring The Wounded Healer Chiron today, our wounds come into even sharper focus, especially where communication and self-expression are concerned. Communication may be tense, explosive, or even non-existent. Or even if things appear totally normal on the surface, we may just *feel* like something's off. Like there's something missing, or lacking, unavailable, or not satisfactory to us.

In combination with the intensity of this supermoon energy, we may have the urge to react suddenly and strongly. To speak first and think later, burning bridges along the way when we don't like what we're feeling in the moment.

When these feelings come up, it's so important to sit with them long enough to find the root cause. Chiron's transit is bringing so much up for us; sometimes when our deepest wounds come up, we end up seeing shadows that aren't actually there in our present reality. (If you want to explore your Chiron sign and understand what it may be bringing up, check out my new Chiron series or book an in-depth look at your Chiron placement within the context of your full chart.)

In other words, we may feel emotionally heightened, suspicious, or even paranoid right now. We may find ourselves over-analyzing someone's words and actions, replaying old stories, dwelling on certain experiences, or struggling to move through our emotions as they come up.

We may not be seeing completely clearly right now. If this is the case, it's so important to feel the feelings while not attaching to the story that comes up alongside this depth of emotion.

There is so much coming up for each of us right now, and it is pinpointed directly to touch upon our deepest wounds and fears as a means of bringing them up to be cleared by us.

This is an intense, intense month. AND these energies are clearing the way for so much that we desire to take root in our physical reality. Even through the intensity, we will begin to see tangible evidence and major blossoming take place in our lives today and over the next few weeks.

Whatever is coming up right now is pointing the way forward. It is up to us what we do with this, how we act, how we interpret what's happening and utilize it to work for us in the coming months.

So so much beauty is arising here for us. Both within and without, miracles are bubbling up.

If you'd like to dive into what's coming up for you, I'm offering new Deep Dive packages and long-term Guided Transformation work to jumpstart your personal growth, dive deep into your energy, and shift your experience from the inside out. My current offerings are all available under the Services tab (and my special Chiron series is available for pre-order in the online shop!).

Sending you all so much love as we traverse this gorgeous moon cycle, witness the unfolding of our new beginnings, and say goodbye to old wounds & fears once and for all.

