Tawny Estrella

Apr 17, 20222 min

Full Moon in Libra - April 16, 2022

Today's Full Moon in Libra brings a sense of balance, completion, and karmic justice to the fiery waves we've been riding all Aries season.

Libra is associated with relationships. Your relationships, whether romantic, familial, or platonic, will be shifting now (and especially as we move through eclipse season soon).

What is important to you? What do you desire in your connections?

Now is the time to zoom in on the core relationships within your life and make sure they are fulfilling and in balance (equal give and take, equal love and care directed toward one another).

You cannot pour from an empty cup. Now is the time to make sure that you're inviting in reciprocity, mutuality, and all that you desire to experience instead of settling for what has come before.

With a square to Pluto and trine to Saturn, this moon makes us aware of any restrictions we've still been carrying and any limitations we've allowed to hold us back. This is a time for deep transformation and rebirth of our standards, our habits, and the type of relationships we allow into our life.

All that's coming up and coming to a close right now is moving us forward, whether it appears that way or not. That being said, inner transformation and balancing of the scales can be a tiring and overwhelming process.

Personally, I have been feeling quite exhausted by the energy all day. Instead of trying to push myself forward, I have been letting myself rest. Today, instead of checking items off a to-do list, I took a long afternoon nap.

All progress doesn't have to look like forward motion. Sometimes allowing yourself to rest, to sit in one space, to be still and quiet and peaceful is exactly what is needed. This space for rest and recovery allows us to get ready to leap forward when the time is right. We cannot receive without first making room for what we desire.

Golden opportunities are presenting themselves now. This is incredibly exciting, and can sometimes pull us off balance because we get caught into one extreme of the experience or one emotional state (think emotional highs or emotional lows).

Both ends of the spectrum are important. It's okay to feel the full range of feelings. It's okay to ride your emotional waves and allow them to flow.

It's okay to take some time to shift back and forth until we find the balance we are seeking within.

Anything that is meant for you will make room for your shifts and changes, your passive and active states, your ebbs and flows.

Can you allow yourself to rest, to change, to balance and let love pour into you?

What are you ready to make room for? What expectations and obligations have served their purpose, and are ready to be let go? What old ways of being are you no longer operating within?

There is so joy to open up to as we reap so many karmic blessings and rewards for work well done. This is a time of scales balancing. Any seeds you've been sowing will be coming to fruition soon.

Trust the process. Open the heart. Breathe deeply into it.

All you've been doing is enough. The time to receive has come.

