Tawny Estrella

Mar 28, 20214 min

Full Moon in Libra - March 28/29, 2021

Updated: Nov 4, 2021

The Full Moon in Libra brings opportunities for balance, karmic justice, and rewards after so much has been closed in the previous cycle. As the first full moon of the astrological year and a Supermoon as well, this moon sets the tone for what we have the ability to experience throughout the next 12 months.

Where have you felt out of alignment, unable to shed the weight in one area of your life, or energetically pulled in a certain direction? Though the experience may be uncomfortable, it is pointing the way toward what needs to be healed and resolved internally. Your external environment, thoughts and feelings have been manifesting so strongly in front of you so you can SEE what you’ve been carrying within.

If there is more to be cleared, this can feel like an absolute barrage of challenging or painful situations. It is important to feel your feelings and truly let them pass through. Getting lost in the emotions or allowing particular stories to play out time and time again in your mind (“They left because I’m not lovable”, “This always happens to me”, “I can’t trust anyone”, etc.) will only keep these negative experiences anchored into your reality.

We are being called more than ever to take ownership over our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors and get really honest with ourselves about why things have been playing out the way they are. What stories have been you telling yourself? Shift the story, shift the reality. Just because you have experienced it many times before does not mean you need to experience it again. Think about the story you desire to write for your life, with all other factors aside. Regardless of what you’ve experienced in love, in family, in any area - what do you truly wish to experience? You truly have the power to create this experience for yourself.

Limiting beliefs, learned helplessness, fear, self-worth issues, victim mentality, and replaying old wounds are some of the common ways we can keep ourselves stuck in patterns that are familiar to us, but no longer serve our highest good. This Libra full moon asks us to take a real look at ourselves through the lens of coming back to balance.

The first step to this is becoming conscious of where we have been out of balance before. Do you tend to be the person who over-gives and depletes yourself for the sake of others? Your learning curve is prioritizing more care for yourself. Have you relied strongly on other people for validation and support to make you feel like you’re good enough? Your growth curve is learning to provide validation for yourself. Have you sought out comfortable situations where you feel like you’re fully in control to avoid feeling vulnerable? Your path is to move out of your comfort zone and feel what it’s like to not have control.

While the particular wounds and patterns are different for each of us, there are common themes that play out across the human collective. The release of fear, social conditioning, and victim mentality have been highlighted for some time now, and these continue to release. On the surface of the world, it may look like these behaviors have been amplified. This is part of the process of clearing the collective template and ridding these programs from the entire human network so we can continue to rise up in our true strength.

Remember, as difficult as it may feel, whatever is coming up around this time is not a punishment. If you can find the theme underneath where you are at, it becomes a lot easier to understand what is happening and why it is coming to your attention right now.

With this huge release of wounds and past programming, we also clear space for new opportunities, gifts, blessings, and rewards from the universe to arrive in perfect time. When our field is crowded up with past pain, worries, limiting beliefs, and more, there is no space for anything else to come in. It could be literally standing at your door, but if there is no room for it, it cannot arrive.

This moon brings a crucial opening with it - the opportunity for sudden balancing of scales, divine justice, and reaping of karmic rewards. If you have been persevering on your journey for a while now, this is not the time to give up. The opposition can feel much heavier when you’re about to reach your goal.

If you are experiencing intense ups and downs, bouts of mental anguish, or tower moments in your external world - hold on. What’s on the other side is more beautiful than you can imagine. Continue to work through what is coming up for you, be honest and take accountability for yourself, and keep the faith amidst whatever is going on. You are truly unstoppable as long as you do not quit, do not stop, do not believe the doubts and fears that try to discourage you when they come to the surface.

You have so much support on your side. As you continue to clear old wounds, you will see this more and more.

Step by step we move toward the center, toward the core of who we truly are, toward true balance. In perfect timing, we heal. In perfect timing, we are shown the truth of who we are.
