Tawny Estrella

Sep 11, 20223 min

Full Moon in Pisces - September 10, 2022

Today's Full Moon in Pisces marks a point of closure of several cycles, including the one that began with the last Equinox (Spring in the Northern hemisphere; Fall in the Southern hemisphere).

As Pisces is the last sign in the Zodiac, Full Moons represent completion, and this is the final Full Moon before the upcoming turn of the seasons, the magnitude of this closure energy is amplified greatly. With this Full Moon falling in the 8th house of Scorpio, there is a strong theme present of death of the old in order to birth the new.

The 17 degree placement of the moon (and sun) adds an extra layer to the picture. This degree is associated with Leo energy, which is all about following your heart, courageously living your truth and standing in the spotlight.

Where have you been playing small? What needs to be let go of in order to step fully into your inner light?

The double water energy of Pisces and Scorpio brings us to the depths of ourselves, while the 17th degree asks us to step out of the shadows and into the light.

What have you been hiding from the world that is ready to come through you now?

We all have a sacred gift that is begging to be expressed. Now we are actively being propelled toward it as we get in touch with the core of who we are.

This moon in Pisces is opposite the sun in Virgo, which may create some tension between what our hearts are calling for vs. our logical mind. While Virgo wants to know all the steps before moving forward, we are being asked to dig deep into our inner emotions and feel our way through.

The mind is not equipped to navigate the current shifts the same way our intuitive senses are. While it may feel scary and completely unknown at times, surrendering to the process and trusting the pull of your inner compass is the most important thing to be done in moments of change.

With Neptune (the planet associated with Pisces) conjunct this Full Moon, we can either amp our psychic senses all the way up or we can feel lost in confusion. Neptune is the planet of dreams and intuition; on its shadow side, it is also the planet of illusions.

Depending which route we take now and have taken in the past, we can experience this energy very differently.

Mercury also begins its retrograde today, joining several other planets in their apparent backward motion. This means, while we are indeed closing chapters and leaving the past behind, there is still more to reflect on and learn from what has come before.

Retrogrades bring back old themes and cycles so we can choose differently in order to complete the lesson. Whatever is circling back around right now presents an opportunity to make a new choice from before.

Change the pattern, change the outcome. This is a brand new cycle we're starting when we're willing to walk away from the old ones, not just in theory but in practice as well.

Pisces is very ethereal in nature, but the tangible Virgo sun demands action. This means, in order to progress forward in the ways we desire, we must harmoniously marry our energetic alignment with the physical actions we take.

With this moon making a sextile to Uranus, absolutely anything can happen. With so much Earth energy present (Virgo Sun in the 2nd house of Taurus + Taurus Uranus and North Node in the 10th house of Capricorn), this is especially true when it comes to the tangible steps and physical actions we take.

With the North Node involved here, there is also an aspect of destiny present with everything that is impacted during this Full Moon cycle.

What is closing out is meant to close out. The new beginnings that are coming are strongly meant for us too.

With the South Node's influence as well, past experiences and past lives are coming into play. If something feels familiar, it's important to determine if that's coming from a place that is healthy or unhealthy, aligned or misaligned.

Not everything that we recognize is meant to continue forward with us. Now is the time to majorly exercise our discernment and intentionally choose what we will be bringing with us into the next phase of our journey.

The actions we take over the next two weeks prior to the New Moon will set the stage for the next part of our journey.

What are you choosing to empower? What do you wish to continue, and what are you ready to let go of?

Let these watery waves of the Full Moon wash away what's no longer for you and usher you into a new cycle of being.

It is time.

I'm sending so much love to you.

