Tawny Estrella

Mar 17, 20225 min

Full Moon in Virgo - March 17/18, 2022

Late on March 17/early on March 18 depending where you are in the world, we have the Full Moon in Virgo. We've felt this full moon energy building since the beginning of the month, and it now reaches its peak.

This Full Moon in Virgo closes off a 6-month cycle that started with the Virgo New Moon on September 6, 2021. The seeds you planted at this time are now coming to some sort of completion in physical form. Think back to what intentions you set, what you left behind to open up to new beginnings, or what you started around that time. You will see the completion of these themes take place in your external reality now.

This Virgo Full Moon is grounding a lot of Pisces energy (Virgo's opposite sign) on the physical plane. This means deep insights, strong emotions, and — when you've done the work you've been called to behind the scenes — manifestations of fantasy in tangible form.

To me, this feels especially strong around the theme of love and relationships. Whether romantic, platonic, or familial, our personal connections are highlighted strongly at this time.

This Full Moon makes an aspect to Chiron. I've been thinking, speaking, and writing about Chiron a lot lately. Chiron is the planetary body referred to as The Wounded Healer, and its job is to show us all our deepest wounds in this lifetime.

That sounds incredibly unpleasant, right?

I'm not going to lie and say it isn't. It is also incredibly powerful.

The way out is always through.

(If you're not familiar with your Chiron placement in your astrology chart, I highly recommend looking into it. You can find free chart tools online to look up your Chiron placement; if you'd like to dive deeper, I just created a new offering around Chiron that focuses on uncovering the gifts found within the wound, available for a limited time at a special price.)

From my experience, this one placement can tell you so much about yourself, your wounds, the wisdom you hold within, and why you are the way you are. Whenever I look at someone's chart, their Chiron placement is one of the very first things I pull up.

With this Full Moon in Virgo aspecting Chiron + so much Pisces energy in the stars, this period of time is triggering deep emotional wounds, past traumas, limiting beliefs, and old fears that have been held within the body in order to move us to greater heights. This is the last step of the process before new beginnings can materialize right before your eyes.

One one hand, the Virgo energy associated with this moon can help us to look at things more objectively, methodically, and through a different lens than before. On the other, it can exacerbate obsessive thoughts, self-criticism, and heavy judgments of ourselves and others.

While Virgo is very detail-oriented, it can also be extremely perfectionistic.

There is a lot going on in the world and in the stars right now. Take a deep breath. It's okay to give yourself a break.

You don't need to be perfect. You don't need to have the answers all the time.

However you feel right now is okay. It's okay if nothing makes sense. It's okay if you don't know what's going on. It's okay if you're just getting through the day, moment to moment.

This is happening for a lot of us right now.

Inner child wounds have been surfacing heavily this month. We are being asked to pay attention to our needs and give those younger pieces of ourselves space, understanding, and so much love.

What did you always want as a child, but never had enough of? What felt like it was missing? What did you need and crave that wasn't available to you?

These are the things that are coming up for us right now. While we may have been able to suppress or ignore these feelings for a long time, there is no running from them now. Our inner child has had enough. That inner child has been starving all along for our attention, compassion, and unconditional love.

How can you give this to yourself now? How can you make space for that little child to have their feelings without making them "bad" for doing so? How can you do for yourself now what you wish was done for you way back then?

You don't need to be perfect to deserve love. You don't need to be perfect to be worthy.

This energy has been with us all month, and intensifies under the Full Moon now. It asks, "What are you ready to let go of? Where have you been blocking yourself from what you've always wanted? What do you want to start anew?"

No matter what choices you've made in the past, this is an opportunity to choose again. To release what has happened before, the past pain and heartache and disappointment, and allow yourself to open into something brand new.

Virgo is incredibly observant and detail-oriented. While the emotions and triggering moments can feel overwhelming at times, Virgo energy asks us to take a look at these experiences through a different lens in order to notice something about them, to connect the dots between things in order to transform them inherently into something new. Often our perspective is the very thing that needs to be transformed, and this alone creates the shift that we've been seeking.

Is there a pattern, a message, a new outlook that is begging to be explored? The specific emotions and memories that are coming up right now are very purposeful. What are they trying to show you? What are you being asked to see differently than before?

The Sun makes a sextile to Pluto along with the Full Moon, bringing up more of what's been buried in our inner depths. This may be uncomfortable at times, as it is deeply transformative, but it feels much more positive in nature to me. This energy is extremely potent and can send us bursting forward as soon as we integrate the insights & revelations we receive.

This energy comes in to cleanse us of what is no longer serving in order to usher in the brand new beginnings we want and deserve.

This is the start of a fresh new emotional cycle. Don't carry anything forward that you don't wish to continue.

If there's still more to release that is lingering in your system, let it go with this Full Moon.

Journal. Light a candle. Put the past to rest.

Honor what comes up. Trust the process. Feel your feelings.

And then, when you are ready, take the leap and allow pure magick to unfold.

You've been building the foundations and doing the legwork for this transformation for the last 6 months. Once you've made the space, now is the time to receive.

Sending so much love to you on this powerful Full Moon.

