Tawny Estrella

Dec 31, 20215 min

Intuitive Messages for 2022

With the year quickly coming to a close, I felt called to create some intuitive messages for 2022. To receive your messages, take a deep breath and choose the image you feel most drawn to (star, crown, or eye). If you have trouble choosing, ask yourself which image is meant for you and listen for the intuitive answer that arises.

If You Chose the Star:

You’ve made so much accelerated progress that you may not yet realize how far you’ve come. Take a moment to sit and reflect on all you’ve learned, gained, and accomplished this year. While you may not be exactly where you expected or wanted to be, it’s important to acknowledge how much has changed within and around you as a result of all you’ve done.

Where do you feel more confident? Less anxious? More able to be yourself? You’ve made leaps and bounds when it comes to celebrating and embracing your uniqueness.

Continue to trust your intuition. Your sight is clear when you are in a calm and peaceful state. You are exactly where you’re meant to be right now.

If those around you see things differently, there’s no need to worry. You are able to pick up on what others may miss. Developing more trust in yourself will help you fine-tune this skill.

For 2022, I see you expanding further into your natural gifts, abilities, and interests. This is a year to believe in yourself more than you ever have, and put action behind your desires. Every bit of effort will be multiplied.

I see a lot of long-term manifestations coming in for this group. This can be something you’ve deeply desired for a long time, but haven’t received yet. It’s time to rest easy. What you want is on its way to you.

In the meantime, work on clearing any remaining fears, doubts, or limiting beliefs — anything that says what you want isn’t possible MUST GO.

You don’t need to know the how or the when. You simply need to be open to what is already yours, and allow it to arrive.

Potential manifestations in 2022:

  • Proposal / engagement

  • Influx of material abundance

  • New connections

  • Launching or expanding a business

Signs you’re on the right track:

  • Waterfalls

  • Butterflies

  • Bluebirds

  • Dandelions

If You Chose the Crown:

You’ve been walking a challenging road, but your luck is turning around. Whatever you’ve lost this year is being replaced tenfold with what is meant for you. The internal work you’ve done is about to pay off.

Nothing has truly gone wrong. Continue to keep the faith and know that you are loved, blessed, and protected — even when it may feel like the universe has forsaken you.

While you may have felt dormant for a while, you’ve simply been in a cocoon, transforming into a new, more authentic version of yourself. This is the version of you that’s aligned, open, and receptive to the blessings that are lined up, ready and waiting for you all along your path.

If you’re feeling tired at this time, it’s important to rest. Patience and trust are key here. There’s no need to rush ahead or try to figure everything out. Everything will be revealed to you soon, in the exact right time.

For 2022, I’m seeing a lot of change coming into your life, but this is GOOD change. These are the exact changes you’ve been wishing for and working toward. You may not have seen the results of your effort yet, but this year will show you just what you’ve opened up to.

It’s important to keep an eye on your perspective at this time. When life gets challenging, we can sometimes close up or begin to expect the worst in an attempt to protect ourselves from getting hurt. In this time of receiving, it is essential that you remain open and receptive to unexpected blessings.

All the challenges you’ve experienced have been building you up for this very moment. You were never being punished. You were being prepared.

Get ready to enter your winning season. Breathe deeply, ground yourself when needed, and remind yourself of all you are grateful for. Your soft and open heart is a magnet for miracles. Remind yourself of your worthiness and lean into the new and beautiful as it arrives.

Potential manifestations for 2022:

  • New love entering your life

  • Moving homes

  • A promotion or other upgrade to your work life

Signs you’re on the right track:

  • Bees

  • Dragonfruit

  • Bluebells

  • Gifts & bows

If You Chose the Eye:

Your spiritual gifts have been growing for some time now. If you’ve felt like you’re in a dark place recently, know that nothing has gone wrong — this is simply the process of shedding all that you are not so you can step into who you really are.

You may feel like you’re being hit by wave after wave of emotion. This is simply the clearing process. You are feeling the depths of all that you’ve carried with you for so long. When you allow it to wash over you rather than resisting it, the process will be much faster and easier.

This is a time of great potential and great awakening within you. This can be beautiful, and also incredibly painful. When you are ready to move to the next level, the universe often cracks your heart open to make room to expand.

What you’re feeling is temporary, but the blessings will be permanent. Nothing can take this sacred transformation and understanding away from you.

Things may feel dark right now, but this is for an important purpose. Keep moving forward step by step. A new life awaits you.

For 2022, I see a great expansion unfolding around you, mirroring the expansion that has occurred within. Sudden insights, epiphanies, and opportunities are being presented to you. You’ll be receiving many puzzle pieces that have eluded you for a long time. You are ready for them now.

Your inner growth is aligning you with close soul connections as well as pushing you to take the leap on what your heart truly desires. What do you have to offer the world? What have you always wanted to do, that you may have considered “unrealistic” before? You’ll know when it feels right to dig in and go for it.

Fear and doubt lose their power when you decide to stop listening to them and make decisions from the heart and soul instead. Now that you see things differently than before, you can make your choices from a brand new place. Your shift in perspective alone will bring in exciting experiences and opportunities.

Anything you dream is possible. Continue walking your path one step at a time, and watch the beautiful masterpiece unfold in front of you, more perfectly than you could have planned.

Potential manifestations for 2022:

  • Strengthened spiritual gifts

  • Change in career path

  • Deep self-discovery

  • Connecting with soul family

Signs you’re on the right track:

  • The color blue

  • Quartz crystals

  • Elephants

  • Orange flowers

If you'd like to share, I would love to hear how your messages resonate for you.

Wishing you all a brilliant and beautiful 2022. I'm excited to experience it with all of you.



