Tawny Estrella

Jul 2, 20223 min

July 2022 Collective Energies

July is here, and with it comes exponential change. We've felt this building for months now. We've experienced the crumbling foundations. We've released past ties and old ways of being. We've learned pivotal lessons. The change has taken root beneath the surface, and this month we begin to see the tangible sprouts of all the work that was put in before.

Let's begin with a birds-eye view of July:

July 5 - Mercury enters Cancer, Mars enters Taurus

July 8 - Sun squares Chiron

July 13 - Full Moon in Capricorn, Mercury squares Chiron

July 18 - Venus enters Cancer

July 19 - Mercury enters Leo, Chiron Retrograde begins

July 22 - Sun enters Leo

July 28 - New Moon in Leo, Jupiter Retrograde begins

July 31 - Venus squares Chiron

We've entered Cancer season, and most of July will be influenced by this watery sign that centers around the emotions, home, and family. Cancer is also associated with the mother archetype and is ruled by the moon. These themes will influence our feelings and tangible experiences as the month progresses, along with the movement of the stars and planets.

Chiron (the planetary body that represents The Wounded Healer) plays a big role in the month of July. The Sun, Mercury, and Venus all square Chiron over the next 30 days. This will be bringing our deepest wounds to light through aspects of our identity, communication, and relationships and giving us the opportunity to heal what is exposed.

Saturn, Neptune, Pluto, and the lunar nodes are all currently in retrograde. Chiron & Jupiter will join them throughout the course of the month.

While retrogrades are often feared and misunderstood, they are pivotal opportunities to revisit and rewrite the past in constructive ways. In fact, our current retrograde cycles are in the midst of balancing the scales, delivering karmic justice, clearing our vision, and sparking major transformation as we speak. With Jupiter and Chiron going into retrograde, this creates an opportunity for extreme healing, introspection, and personal expansion to occur.

With so many retrograde transits happening at once, we're being given the opportunity to see our internal world more clearly in order to move forward in the outer world. While these planets usually deliver outbound energy, the retrograde cycle shifts things to be more internally focused for a time.

That being said, I do feel a huge amount of external change happening this month. The great thing is, this forward movement will be balanced with equal levels of awareness and self-reflection, which allows us to move through it more smoothly, boldly, and confidently than before.

Sometimes we're reminded of old hurts, experiences, and people from the past so we may revisit these memories from a different place than before. Anything that comes up during this period of time is important and is here to deliver a major message and opportunity for growth.

Our communication becomes especially emotionally focused and then especially bold as Mercury moves into Cancer and then Leo over the course of the month. Our relationships also take on a deep, home-like feel as Venus moves into Cancer. This transit reminds us that most of all, spending time with the ones we love is meant to feel like coming home.

Mars moving into Taurus lends us some additional grounding when it comes to our action space, passions, and moving forward. This can be helpful on some level; we may move more slowly, consider our choices more deeply, and feel more stable and solid when we do move forward. This can also be frustrating at times. Mars typically wants to act now, think later. Experiencing this level of restraint and fixed energy can be difficult for this fiery, impulsive planet.

We also have a Full Moon in Capricorn and a New Moon in Leo to look forward to over the course of July. More on these later, but these powerful moon cycles give us the opportunity to anchor tangible, prosperous new beginnings into our lives and step out into the spotlight boldly and unapologetically.

So much is shifting this month, both internally and externally. While the ride can be bumpy at times and these transits are bringing up significant emotions for us to experience, it is all leading us closer to where we're meant to be.

As we continue to ride the waves, trust the process, and release the past from our grips, more clarity will come. This month is an opportunity for great self-exploration, expansion, and healing if we're willing to go with the flow and dive in deep in the spaces we're called to.

This shift feels like a big one. I'm excited to see what's to come.

Sending you all so much love over this active and reflective month.

