Tawny Estrella

Jan 31, 20222 min

New Moon in Aquarius - January 31/February 1, 2022

As the New Moon in Aquarius closes out the month of January and welcomes February with a burst of beautiful energy, we leave behind so much that we've previously carried and continue opening into new experiences and new beginnings.

Depending on where you are in the world, this new moon may take place on January 31 or February 1 for you. Where I'm at in California, it will be taking place at 9:46 pm Pacific Time.

The change that's coming in can be incredibly exciting. It can also feel overwhelming, scary, or anxiety-producing at times.

Remember: nervousness and excitement are the same energy directed in different ways. There is nothing wrong with feeling anxious, and we can all experience this at times. That being said, if you're in a place where you're ready and able to create a conscious shift in your experience, this feeling of nervousness can be redirected into excitement through the power of your focus.

This explorative, open-minded Aquarian energy can assist with this, as well as helping you to shift perspectives and try new approaches within your day-to-day life.

Aquarius is an extremely thoughtful, aware, and unconventional sign. As today's new moon makes several aspects to our sun and outer planets, these qualities within and around you may be intensified.

You may experience:

  • Feelings of restlessness and impulsivity

  • Sudden shifts in your mood, or the moods of those around you

  • Noticing any outdated norms and patterns that are ready for change

  • Increased creativity, unconventionality, and thinking outside of the box

  • Letting your freak flag fly, loudly and proudly

  • Feeling rebellious, desiring to break out of restrictive norms and patterns

  • More focus on your inner needs, emotions, and desires

  • Limiting beliefs and emotional restrictions being brought to light

  • Opportunities to create new boundaries, structures, and patterns in your life

  • Increase in authentic communication and expression

  • Aligning of inner desires with external presentation and actions

  • Seizing ideas and opportunities to create new solutions

  • Sudden shifts, changes, and feelings of "I've had enough!"

Whatever you're aiming to create at this time, this new moon can support you in creating, innovating, and seeing things from a brand new lens.

It's important to note: though you may feel impulsive and ready to leap forward, it will be helpful to temper this energy over time instead of trying to take huge leaps overnight. With Mercury wrapping up its retrograde and the moon squaring Uranus, we may not be able to see the full picture at this time.

With these factors at play, rushing forward too quickly is likely to set you back in the long run. Instead of trying to change everything all at once, get clear on what you'd like to tackle and begin working toward this step by step. This allows time for more clarity and understanding to come in, and also lends the ability to adapt and be flexible as you learn more over time.

The month of February is set to be an activating, energetic, and enlightening month for many! This new moon is an excellent time to reflect and set intentions from a new frame of mind. If you're willing to let go of assumptions, release outdated ways of being and embrace the change this beautiful Aquarian energy brings, you will be especially supported at this time.

I am sending you all so much love as we embark on this brand new journey.

