Tawny Estrella

Apr 11, 20213 min

New Moon in Aries - April 11/12, 2021

Updated: Nov 4, 2021

This powerful, powerful New Moon in Aries is calling us to speak our truth, face our fears, and burn away anything that is no longer serving us in order to step into the change that we need and desire.

Those who don’t answer the call will be pushed to the brink until walls are dropped and all is revealed from the inside out.

With this New Moon we are experiencing massive revelations about how we have been out of alignment with our own desires, creating the very obstacles that we have resented along the path we walk.

The sudden realization that YOU have been what' s getting in your own way all along.

While it can feel shocking and painful to see this in the moment, it is truly a blessing in disguise.

Seeing this truth is the very KEY to the future you desire.

Now that you know better, you can do better. Forgive yourself for past mistakes. You were simply repeating what you knew. Now that you see clearly, you have the opportunity to make a new choice.

Be clear, bold, and direct with your words and actions at this time, while exercising deep compassion and unconditional love toward yourself and others. If you are feeling challenged, ground yourself as often as you need to. It can feel like the foundation under your feet is shifting faster than you can catch up. You haven’t done anything wrong. This is part of your process. Breathe deeply and trust it.

As the first New Moon of the astrological new year, this event sets the tone for the future to unfold. Be aware of old fears or repeating patterns that come up to be seen at this time. Many are experiencing intense triggers or tower moments to bring these wounds to light and clear them from the body so we may truly start anew on a fresh foundation.

Wherever the fears try to lead you, whatever repetitive thoughts repeat in your mind - question the story. Yes, you experienced this before. Yes, it was painful. Do you need to experience it again? Are you sure that the past will repeat itself? Or is the mind playing tricks on you, jumping to conclusions and replaying worst case scenarios in an attempt to keep you “safe” from a threat that isn’t real?

We are called to look at all the ways we have cut ourselves off from opportunities for love, acceptance, and connection out of fear and limiting beliefs around what is possible for us. Where have you been shutting yourself down or walling yourself off in an attempt to protect yourself? Did you learn you would be safer and avoid getting hurt if you closed your heart and pushed others away?

We are being shown that this was never really the case. The very coping mechanisms we adopted to keep ourselves safe have actually been holding us away from the love and acceptance that we have been looking for.

This is not something to hold against yourself. This is something that was done from a place of deep wounding. Instead, acknowledge that part of yourself that tried to keep you safe. Thank yourself for trying to protect you the best way you knew how. Reassure this wounded part of you that all is well. You are safe. You are always protected. You can relax. You have the reins now.

From this place of compassion and renewed strength, act on the clarity that you’ve come to in your heart space. Put the past aside. What do you want NOW? It scares you because you really want it. Feel the fear and do it anyway.

You can trust yourself to make the right choices for you in each and every moment. Lean into the discomfort and cultivate this deep trust in yourself.

These challenging moments are leading you to the breakthrough that is meant for you. At first, it may feel like a breakdown. Everything false must fall in order to build on a solid foundation.

This is set to be a fiery, passionate, and powerful New Moon. Trust in yourself, set strong intentions, and go in the direction your heart is calling you.

Sending so much love to you.
