Tawny Estrella

Mar 31, 20224 min

New Moon in Aries - March 31/April 1, 2022

We have a New Moon in Aries (the first New Moon of the astrological year) happening tonight/early tomorrow and we are feeling the fire. Aries season always moves quickly and bursts forward with a dose of inescapable intensity, and this year is no exception to the rule.

This energy is powerful, and can easily push us to extremes. Depending on your perspective, what’s going on for you personally, and where you’re directing your focus, this can feel intensely good or extremely bad (or a fast-paced vacillation between the two).

Regardless of how it may feel from moment to moment, this fire is coming through to light your flame, cleanse your past, and clear your path forward.

This energy makes me think of a forest fire. While the destruction can be immense, what we don’t always see is how this clears and rejuvenates the land, making room for new and beautiful growth to occur.

If you’re walking through the fire right now, trust that it is for this very purpose. There are times in life where we must allow what was to burn in order to cleanse our souls and make space for something brand new. This Aries New Moon is the spark.

This energy is also igniting our passions, lighting a fire under our asses, and pushing us to take the leap into new chapters of life.

When you direct this energy in conscious ways and point it in the direction you want to go, this New Moon provides a huge boost and acceleration to anything you’re focusing on at this time. Properly directed and harnessed, this energy can create 6+ months of progress in the span of a single week or month.

If you want to understand more about Aries energy, I recommend reading the post I made on the Equinox/beginning of Aries season. While we tend to focus on one primary aspect of astrological signs, there is a lot of strength and nuance to be found in each and every energy. Understanding the many shades of Aries can help us to utilize what it brings to us.

This cardinal fire is pushing us through to our moment of rebirth.

With the New Moon conjuncting the sun, Mercury, and Chiron, deep childhood wounds and intense emotions are surfacing for many of us. These feelings, memories, and pains are not here to punish you. They are here to free you from the inner chains that have kept you bound.

Allow the emotion to wash over you and the fire to burn within you. At times, you may feel like you’re being consumed from the inside out.

Rest assured — You will not be consumed. You yourself, the core of you, will always remain. The only aspects of us that burn to ash are components of us that were never really true.

Our deepest fears, internalized beliefs, unconscious programming, and inner wounds are the only things that leave us when we allow the fire to burn within and around us.

This is the path to freedom. This is the process of healing. Not in forcing, but in simply surrendering and releasing resistance to all that is happening without and within.

Every time I go through a death and rebirth process, I feel brand new. I also feel more “me” than I’ve ever been.

This moment is a collective rebirth. A collective phoenix moment.

In order to rise from the ashes, we first must burn.

While this can be incredibly challenging, confusing, and painful at times, I trust where this process is leading us.

We each hold the reins over our own individual transformation, personal focus, and direction of our energy. Above all else, this inner healing, activation, and metamorphosis is what creates ripple effects of positive change in the world.

Despite the horrors that we see playing out on the world stage, I believe deeply in the power and brilliance of humanity. Of each and every one of us, standing firm in our energy and our light. This is a deeper vision I have always held, and continue to. We cannot create something that we do not hold within us.

Regardless of what anyone else is doing, I choose to show up brightly and boldly as myself every day. Contributing my unique purpose, my unique energy and design and voice in all the ways I am meant to.

The more we each operate from our true center, our inner place of peace and power, the more we amplify this positive radiance and broadcast it to the entire world.

Whatever you’re moving through, whatever you’re feeling, whatever you’re carrying right now — you are not alone. You have not been forgotten or abandoned. You are loved and lovable and pure love incarnate.

There is purpose in this process. There is purpose in this transformation. There is purpose in all you’re experiencing.

Trust your soul to guide you through. And, in every moment you feel able to (and some of the ones you don’t), step forward and allow your true self to shine.

The world needs you.

It is time.

I love you.

