Tawny Estrella

Jan 3, 20225 min

New Moon in Capricorn - January 2, 2022

We start off the calendar year with the New Moon in Capricorn, the first of two new moons happening in the month of January. New moons are associated with fresh energy and new beginnings — and with Capricorn involved, we receive an extra boost of internal structure, motivation, and productive energy as we kick off a brand new cycle.

(Personally, I was drawn to clean and organize my house today — a rare desire for me which is why I'm writing this update a bit later than usual.)

Now is a great time for intention setting, future visioning and planning. It's also the perfect time to create a clean slate for the upcoming year, whether literally (through cleaning, tidying, and getting rid of things you don't need) or metaphorically. By allowing yourself to release the remnants of anything that is no longer serving you — including old patterns of behavior, outdated expectations, festering grudges, limiting beliefs, and stagnant emotions — you create room for the new to arrive within your experience.

Whatever you choose to do at this time, make the process as easy and enjoyable as you can for yourself, and keep the energy light when you're able.

If you are in the midst of heavy experiences or emotions, be gentle with yourself. Listen to your body and don't force anything that doesn't feel right. Keep in mind — though it can feel difficult at times, releasing these stuck emotions and clearing your physical space can often provide great relief when you allow yourself to truly cleanse and release the old.

As I mentioned in January's energy update, I'll be creating more options within these messages to provide more tailor-made writings for each of you, no matter where you are on your journey. To receive your message, choose the image below that appeals most strongly to you — the eye with crescent moon (left) or glowing crescent moon (right).

Path 1 - If You Chose the Eye with Crescent Moon...

With this new moon, your spiritual sight is opening up further and further. This will look and feel different for each of you, but rest assured that your gifts are growing and developing in just the way they're meant to. You may find yourself having increasingly vivid dreams, receiving messages during your waking life and sleep, seeing tons of signs and synchronicities, and picking up on far more intuitive information than before.

If you've been experiencing this — trust yourself! You may not understand what is happening yet or what it means, but that is okay. This is all part of the process of fine-tuning your intuitive senses.

As you continue forward, things will become clearer, you will gain more insight — little by little, like following a trail of bread crumbs — and you'll continue learning to interpret what you receive. (If you need support during this process, this is one of my absolute favorite things to work on with clients one-on-one!)

For this group, the new moon is bringing the clarity and understanding that you've been seeking. You may have been feeling blindfolded for a while, unable to see beyond the very next step you need to take. This has been happening for a very important reason.

Between this new moon and the one at the end of January, you'll begin to see exactly why things have played out the way they have for you. You'll be receiving some missing puzzle pieces that create the feeling of "everything falling into place."

Your job in the meantime? Continue leaning into the experience you're having. Whatever is coming up at this time is critically important, even when it doesn't seem like it. Every message, every sign, every emotion is pointing your way forward. All that you're receiving is meant to show you something.

This experience can feel scary, confusing, or overwhelming at times. You may feel misunderstood, isolated, lonely, just plain weird, or like you've gone "crazy." If you've been feeling this way, nothing has gone wrong. You are simply in the midst of deep awakening, growth, and transformation.

Take a deep breath. This is all part of your soul's development, evolution, and expansion. You can trust yourself. You can trust what you feel and receive.

As the month progresses, continue diving into what arises for you and lean firmly on your deep inner knowing.

Whatever you are experiencing, you are right on track.

You are blessed, you are loved, you are guided.

Dear wanderer, dear seeker, dear wayshower, dear starseed — welcome home.

Path 2 - If You Chose the Glowing Crescent Moon...

This new moon is clearing old wounds and lighting your path forward. The focus for you right now is on healing, self-reflection, introspection, and inner growth. If you've been experiencing any heaviness, now is the time to cleanse it. These emotions are begging to be brought up so they can move through you and be released for good.

It can be scary to feel so much, especially when you've learned to numb, avoid, or bury these feelings in order to cope. You are safe to feel them. You are safe to let them go.

The way out is through. Whatever you're facing right now will move faster and easier when you lean into it rather than resisting the discomfort. It is not easy, but it is always, always worth it. These old patterns, thoughts, feelings, and memories are calling to you.

Clearing these wounds brings a feeling of lightness, of high energy, of enthusiasm, of hope. This new moon is assisting you with releasing what must be left behind so you may step into the NEW that has been calling you.

New experiences. New opportunities. New connections. New joys. All of these are lined up, ready and waiting for you. They are tailor-made. They are just what you've been looking for.

How can you hold your hands out to receive what's coming when you haven't let go of what came before?

For this group, the universe is giving you a big push forward to make sure you're ready to receive when your gifts arrive. This is the purpose of anything that's been bothering you, making you uncomfortable, or popping up repeatedly in your mind.

It's time to get curious with yourself. What do you notice? What's coming up for you? Take note of any recurring themes, patterns, or emotions that arise as you move through this process. What is the root? What does it link to?

As you begin connecting the dots this month, you will begin to feel differently than you did before. A weight has been lifted. Can you feel it freeing you from what came before?

You will receive confirmation that you are on the right track as you continue to move forward. If at any point you feel lost or in need of support, ask for a clear and direct sign. You can ask for something specific if you'd like, or leave it open-ended. Either way, the universe has your back, and you will begin to see this unfold all around you.

You are especially cared for and supported right now. As you move through these transitions and transformative times, listen to yourself and trust that you are being guided. This is a crucial part of your path. Walk it in faith and with pride.

All your blessings are waiting for you on the other side of your healing. It is time.
