Tawny Estrella

Mar 2, 20224 min

New Moon in Pisces - March 2, 2022

We welcome a soft yet powerful New Moon in Pisces today, and with it the opportunity to wipe our slate clean.

This Pisces New Moon lands at 12 degrees. This makes the Pisces energy of this moon stronger than usual, as Pisces is the 12th and final sign of the zodiac (this number has been showing up all over the place recently!!). As we continue to close out these longstanding cycles, systems, and ways of being, many emotions are currently being brought up for release.

As Pisces is a highly intuitive sign, our intuition is heightened at this time as well as our emotions. Since intense emotions can impact your ability to accurately interpret the energy and messages you receive, it is important to check in with yourself and know where you're at before deciding anything concretely or moving forward with major changes.

That being said, pay attention to all the messages you are getting! Write them down, take note of everything that's coming up (especially anything repeating within your reality), and continue revisiting them. Even if you don't know what they mean or feel able to fully interpret them at first, trust that things will become clearer over time.

Our emotions come in like waves, so it is important to be mindful of the ebbs and flows. When we're on an emotional high or an emotional low, this can color the way we feel and our interpretation of things; however, our emotions are not the enemy — in fact, far from it.

Our emotions serve as sacred messengers and always contain so much wisdom within them, including the particular thoughts/memories that are attached to them, and the precise timing at which they come in. Our emotions contain important information and insights for us to uncover as we allow ourselves to sit with them and witness the flow.

Whatever is coming up for you right now is ushering in something big. *Drumroll please* kind of energy.

Today's moon is conjunct the Sun and Jupiter (hello even MORE Pisces energy!) and makes a sextile to Uranus at this time.

What does this mean for you? EXPANSION, OPPORTUNITY, and UNEXPECTED BLESSINGS have arrived. I felt the need to type that all in caps which confirms to me: this is really opening the door for something huge.

The opportunities that are coming in for you go SOUL DEEP. This is not some surface-level bullshit. It may not look the way you expect. You will know it and feel it from the moment it arrives.

This does not mean everything will feel like sunshine and roses the whole time. It certainly can; AND it's important to remember that the very things we desire the most, when they arrive can set off huge alarm bells within our systems. Yes, it can be scary as f*** to get what you truly desire.

The mind asks all kinds of questions, doubting and scanning from every angle. "Is this too good to be true?"

While it's important to use your discernment with whatever comes up, if you KNOW it deep down and FEEL it in your gut... trust yourself.

Trust what's coming in. Trust the process.

This is the time to tune in deep and open to the intuitive hits you receive.

Pisces energy often knows things and feels things without being able to tell you why.

The "why" doesn't matter. This is just the mind's interpretation of what you're receiving.

It doesn't need to make sense to your mind yet.

If you feel it deep within your body, this is for a reason.

What matters is the knowing, the gut feeling, the pure unfiltered awareness, the belief in yourself and what you know to be true. This is what miracles are made of.

Something big is coming. In fact, it has already arrived. When you are ready for it (deep down, energetically, emotionally & spiritually) it will be ushered in for you physically.

When you are a match to this magickal energy, you become a magnet for miracles to arrive.

This moon is a magnet for miracles. Feel it, embrace it. Then let it go and trust the timing.

What comes in may set your soul on fire. And that is a wonderful thing.

Along this deep emotional wave we're riding, I feel such pleasant surprises on the horizon. The things you've always wanted, but thought may have passed you by.

They have not passed you by. The waiting was intentional. The delay was a blessing.

Don't try to predict or control it. Just feel the flow and know it's on its way to you.

This blessing hits different.

The thing you didn't know you always needed. The gift in perfect timing. The answer that was right in front of you all along, only now you can see it clearly. The manifestation that turns out bigger and better than anything you even dreamed of.

It's all possible. It's beyond possible. It's already here.

It's just a matter of tuning into it.

Make a wish under this Pisces New Moon. Feel it in your heart center as you do. Leave it on the wind like you just wished on a dandelion.

The seeds you've planted have grown. The effort you've put in has come full circle back to you. All you need to do is make room for it.

Grieve, feel, grin, cry, dance, scream, sing — whatever you need to do to let it all out and leave it on the wind.

When you've prepared an opening in your heart, a gentle nest for this arrival to burrow into, a new journey begins.

