Tawny Estrella

Oct 7, 20222 min

Sun Opposite Chiron - October 7, 2022

Today the sun in Libra opposes Chiron in Aries. With this transit, the sun brings to light any past wounding that has been left buried or unaddressed that is now ready to be seen.

With Venus alongside the sun in Libra, this is especially exposing any hurts within relationships and social dynamics that are ready to be uncovered and healed.

Where have you made sacrifices to avoid being alone or feeling rejected? Where have you learned to put others ahead of yourself? This is the time to look at where you may have prioritized your relationships over your connection to yourself.

When we constantly give to others without receiving what we need and desire, this can foster feelings of resentment, anger and burnout. This transit brings these unaddressed feelings to the surface.

How can you attend to your own needs today, and build this into your practice moving forward?

Balance is key here. It’s important to be aware of where we may have gone to excess in the past so we can begin to shift the pattern.

Chiron in Aries asks us to take a look at our own self-worth, beliefs and habits regarding the self. Ultimately, with the Sun in Libra’s influence, we are being asked to bring all this to the surface in order to create a more balanced approach moving forward.

Not only is it important to take into account the needs of others, our needs deserve to be lovingly attended to.

When we are out of harmony with ourselves and our own deepest desires, these experiences and lessons will come up more and more loudly until we put ourselves center stage.

When we come into balance with ourselves and those around us, these experiences will subside until the next big lesson is ready for our attention.

Whatever is presenting itself in your inner or outer world today is asking to be observed.

From this place of observation, we are able to make a new decision of how we’d like to be treated, which begins with how we choose to treat ourselves today and every day.

