Tawny Estrella

Oct 16, 20212 min

The End of Retrograde Season

Updated: Nov 4, 2021

After having several planets in retrograde at once over the past few months, we are coming to the end of this retrograde season as both Mercury and Jupiter go direct on October 18, 2021.

This shifts our focus from a more introspective, reflective space back into the present moment as we begin taking active steps toward creating the future we desire.

The lessons and learnings we’ve received over retrograde season have been absolutely profound. As we move forward, no one is quite the same as they were when it started.

With so much coming to the surface for reflection and review, we’ve each had the opportunity to close longstanding cycles once and for all. We’ve also had the opportunity to continue the same patterns all over again, depending what we have been choosing with our own free will.

When lessons from the past have come up, what have you chosen? Have you done things differently than before? Have you replayed past patterns out of habit, fear, or something else? Or have you finally decided to let them go?

Whatever your choices, whatever your takeaway from recent experiences — rest easy knowing you are right on track. The same lessons come around to greet us until we have fully learned what we’re meant to learn from them. As soon as the lesson is complete, the cycle can be closed.

Now that you’re on the other side of these deep and pressing lessons, what will you do with this moment? What have you learned from your experience that you’re ready and willing to apply?

As we begin to focus more on forward motion, this is not an invitation to halt the reflection process entirely. We grow and transform most fully when we incorporate a balance of self-reflection and inspired action in our day-to-day life, both in their perfect time.

Though periods of planetary retrograde provide ample opportunity to revisit and reflect on the past, these are not the only times we can do so. When we make the conscious choice to continually integrate lessons as we go along, periods of closure and release feel less disruptive and easier to deal with, as we’ve been doing our regular spiritual “maintenance work.”

No matter your experience over the past few months, give thanks and gratitude to yourself for what you’ve moved through and the incredible grace and courage with which you’ve faced it all. These lessons are not for the feint of heart.

However you feel about it, please know that you’ve been moving through with flying colors. These lessons were MEANT to be incredibly challenging. After all, they were tailor-made for you and your soul's growth.

Everything you've learned can be brought into the future with you. Now that you know better, you can do better each and every time.

Remember, perfection is not the goal here — growth is. Be kind to yourself as you incorporate these intense lessons and experiences and move forward with an open heart and clear mind.

Congratulations, beautiful soul. Onward and upward we go.
