Tawny Estrella

Feb 8, 20222 min

The World Needs Your Authenticity

The way I see it, a person embodying their truest, most natural (core) frequency is a benefit to the entire world.

This is the starting point and the ending point in one. We each have a fundamental essence that points our true path forward.

What are you here to contribute to the world? Not only through your actions, but by simply existing as yourself?

The more YOU you are, the more the world benefits.

Friends, it is time.

Shed all the outer layers you’ve been carrying. Do the inner work to get deeply in touch with the core, fundamental essence of you.

We want to see you raw & beautiful in all your authenticity.

This is your gift. This is your medicine. This is what you are here to offer to the world.

As I was writing this post this morning, a couple lines of a poem included in The Phoenix Girl popped into my head and started repeating until I found them and read them over again:

Let us all see the you behind the curtain

Lay out all your inner workings

What have you been holding in or holding back that is begging to be seen?

To me, the most beautiful thing in the world is to see someone exactly as they are.

I've included the full poem below:

Life is a process of integrating more and more light

We bring it into our being one spark at a time

One spark can light all the dark within us

Show us it’s not as scary as we thought

Isn’t it beautiful to see yourself for who you are?

Peel back the mask

The layers do a disservice to your soul

Strip bare

Let us all see the you behind the curtain

Lay out all your inner workings

It doesn’t need to be comfortable to be incredible

Stretch yourself further

Once you expand you can never go back


Take up all the glorious space you were meant to in this world.

To celebrate my birth month, most of the shop is on sale + discounted services are available with code HAPPY. I'm also offering free shipping all February long when you use code BIRTHDAY at checkout.

Whatever you're moving through, whatever you're experiencing currently, you've got this. Thank you for being here.

I love you.

