Tawny Estrella

Mar 24, 20225 min

What Is Aries Season Bringing In For You?

As we move into powerful new beginnings this Aries season, I wanted to explore what it will be bringing in for each of you.

I talk a lot about divine timing. This is much less about physical time than it is about being in an internal state of alignment with what you are desiring. When you are open and in flow, leading naturally from your heart and your soul, this lines you up perfectly with your desires and they are able to come in.

To receive your message, take a deep breath and choose the image that appeals most to you. If you have trouble choosing, ask yourself, "Which message is meant for me?" and tune in to hear the answer within you. This works best when you are in a calm, grounded, and peaceful internal state.

Group 1

If you chose the lockbox...

This season is opening brand new doors for you. What has been previously blocked or stagnant is suddenly shifting and bursting wide open. There is so much to look forward to on the other side of this change.

This may not look what you expected it to look like. Be open to new experiences and new ways that your desires may arrive for you.

All that didn't work out for you before was truly a blessing in disguise. While it may have been painful and difficult to move through, you're coming into a brand new chapter now. This is not just a new chapter, but a brand new book. What has come before is being put to rest and what is here is something true, something real, something you can trust and sink into.

As you prepare for what's to come, ask yourself:

  1. Where have I kept myself locked up tightly?

  2. What am I afraid of? What am I trying to protect myself from?

  3. How can I lean further and further into trust and continue opening my heart?

  4. What am I ready to release?

We can spend entire lifetimes waiting for change to happen to us without understanding why things haven't shifted yet. Sometimes, we have become so rigid, so static, and so guarded from past experiences that we don't even realize we've become immovable and resistant to the change we desire.

It's like we ourselves have become the lockbox. We think we're simply waiting for the key to arrive, when really the opening to the lock has become hidden and covered over, unreachable and impenetrable to those who wish to give to us.

If this feels resonant with you, I invite you now to lovingly brush away this layer of self-protection.

It kept you safe for a long time. And now, the practice that kept you safe and protected from the world may be the same thing that is keeping you closed.

This does not mean to open yourself up widely to everything and everyone. It means making a space in your heart, using discernment as a central practice, for those who want to come in and treat you well.

In order to unlock the door to your next step, there must be an opening within you that aligns with the matching key that is trying to come in.

What can you do to make more and more room for this deep joy to arrive?

As you expand and breathe deeply into all the spaces within you; as you tenderly clear away any barriers to your beautiful, wide-open heart; as you sink into this feeling of safety and excitement and receptivity all at once — you make space for grand miracles to arrive.

The changes that are coming in for you are so much bigger and more beautiful than you may have previously thought was possible.

In order to contain them, in order to receive them, in order to be blessed with the bounty that you have always wanted and deserved — a space must be made to welcome all that's about to arrive.

Group 2

If you chose the key...

This Aries season, you're being handed a key to something you've waited a long time for. This may present itself internally as a revelation, shift, or sudden insight, or externally as a person, opportunity, or circumstance you find yourself in.

As you move toward this fundamental shift, keep your mind and heart open and continue to observe yourself and your surroundings. It's important that you're in tune with yourself and follow your intuitive nudges to ensure you're in the right place at the right time to receive what's coming.

This feeling of anticipation without the concrete knowledge of what's to come can provoke feelings of fear or anxiety within. Your body may feel disregulated at times (racing thoughts, rapid heart rate, clammy palms, worst-case scenario fears, difficulty relaxing, etc.) in response to this feeling of uncertainty.

If this happens to you, this does not mean you're doing anything wrong, or that there is something to fear with this change. It simply means your body is feeling this newness and anticipation before you see the external evidence of it, which can create a feeling of tension and dis-ease internally.

Our body often receives intuitive information about incoming changes before the mind can logically understand it. Since we're taught so much to process things with our logical minds, this mismatch can create the feeling of anxiety.

While this can feel uncomfortable at times, this is an invitation to sit with the anxiety as it arises and remind yourself that you are safe. There is much inner child wounding coming up at this time. When you are able to sit with yourself in safety, providing loving comfort to yourself as you would a frightened child, something in the nervous system relaxes and this piece can truly begin to heal and open up.

Part of opening to receive is found in learning how to deeply and genuinely give to yourself.

Another part is found in trusting the process. This means every step of the process — the fun and joyful pieces, as well as all the painful and uncomfortable bits we journey through in order to reach the other side.

Opening your heart to new experiences and blessings can be unexpectedly painful. This pain is the feeling of your heart cracking open. It's okay to feel. Breathe into it.

In order for this incoming key to unlock a brand new door, there needs to be an opening for it to arrive.

You feel this tension in your body because big-deal, miracle-level change is coming in. This could be in the form of something you've been wishing and waiting on for a long, long time.

When you receive this gift, it will not be subtle. It will move through you like lightning, and you will recognize it by the feeling.

In the meantime, sit with yourself through every ebb and flow that arises.

Now is the time to give to yourself, truly and deeply, unapologetically. The universe will match your effort with so many experiences that mirror this deep level of heartfelt giving.

As you continue through Aries season, now is the time to flow with the feelings, lovingly prioritize your joy, and trust the timing. Treat yourself with beautiful kindness as you prepare for your gifts to arrive.

I'm sending you so much love as the beautiful shifts of Aries season unfold.

